List of products by brand Kimino

Company Name: Kimino Co.LTD

Foundation: 2017

Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan

Main activity: Importation and distribution of Japanese food products

Company Description :

Kimino is a Japanese company specializing in the production and distribution of high-end natural drinks. Founded with the vision of sharing the authentic flavors of Japan, Kimino focuses on using high-quality ingredients sourced directly from local farmers. Kimino's products, including their famous soft drinks and juices, are made without artificial additives, respecting Japanese traditions and know-how.

The company is distinguished by its commitment to purity and simplicity, offering drinks made with freshly harvested fruit, pure mountain spring water and minimal sugar. Kimino values ​​transparency and traceability, ensuring that each ingredient is carefully selected and respectfully processed to preserve its natural taste and nutritional benefits.

In addition to their refined taste and exceptional quality, Kimino products are designed with a minimalist aesthetic sense, reflecting the elegance and restraint of Japanese culture. Kimino strives to provide an authentic and refreshing experience, introducing consumers around the world to the simple and natural delights of Japanese terroir.

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