List of products by brand Furi Furi

Furi Furi is a French company specializing in furikake, a traditional Japanese condiment. The story of Furi Furi begins with two associates, Natsuko and Julie. Natsuko, a Franco-Japanese woman who has worked with renowned chefs like Alain Ducasse, introduces Julie, a pharmacist and nutrition expert, to furikake.

Company name: FURI FURI

Foundation: 2022

Headquarters: Morioka, Iwate Prefecture, Japan

Main activity: Paris, France

Company Description :

In 2020, in the middle of the Covid crisis, while all French people are rediscovering their daily cuisine, Natsuko often serves Japanese furikake to her 3 daughters and her husband, who love it. The ones she finds are unfortunately all full of additives. That's when she said to herself that she had to create natural furikakes!

A few months later… Natsuko introduced Julie to furikake and in 2021, they created THE first brand of 100% natural furikake.

They surround themselves with 2 UMAMI taste specialists: Keisuke Matsushima, a super Japanese starred chef living in Nice for 20 years and Caroline Joucla, nutritionist-dietician.

At the same time, Natsuko and Julie are building the future: they are selected by the best “food” startup accelerator ToasterLab, are recognized by the BPI as one of the most innovative companies with the French Tech Stock Exchange and become Laureates of the Réseau Entreprendre .

In October 2022, they launched FURIFURI via an Ulule crowdfunding campaign, with enormous success!

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