List of products by brand HIKARI MISO

Hikari miso was created in 1936 in Nagano. Their small family business has become the number one seller of natural and organic miso in Japan.

Company name: HIKARI MISO Co, Ldt

Founded: 1936

Headquarters: Nagano, Nagano Prefecture, Japan

Main activity: Manufacturing and selling miso, instant miso soup and processed foods.

Company Description :

Miso appeared in Japan more than 1300 years ago. The Shinsu region (Nagano) is a suitable place for miso production due to its cool climate, water and air resources. It is for this reason that Hikari Miso chose this province for the production of its miso. The company is committed to bringing the benefits of nature into its products, through a wide variety of natural miso paste products.

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